Advertising Solutions

Discover a new era in marketing and messaging integration. A powerful messaging technology that dynamically enhances mobile texting communication, and connects companies with consumers in a uniquely cohesive manner, by seamlessly integrating brands within normal daily chats, pictures and video shared between friends.

View Our Info Sheet (pdf)

Powerful Branding

Heightens brand awareness, and places consumers just a tap away from a companies website & specials.


Mobile user spend 20% of their time on messaging.

Valuable Metrics

Valuable real-time metrics & analytic data.


Increased CTR, & facilitates consumer engagement.

Builds Synergy

Users share interests & opt in to earn points, rebates & rewards!!

Highly Targeted

Target age, gender, location, interests, & more...


Simple Brand Integration

Once your account has been set up in our platform, a small custom icon (Brandicon) for your company will be included within our user incoming instant messages. You will also have a live promotional text link included at the bottom of the messages along with your Brandicon.

  • Our users are just a tap away from your website, promotional media page, video, or social media site of your choice.
  • Your brand/campaign is rotated, so the our user only see your campaign as many times per day, week, or month that you choose.
  • Users have the option to opt in to receive the brands, and also have input into what types of brands they prefer to see.
  • By opting in, our users earn points, rewards, and rebates.
  • Providing the ability for users to choose, facilitates synonymous relationships and helps build trust, loyalty, and collaboration between brands and consumers.

Analyzing BIT Marketing

Traffic Generation

You determine the amount of traffic for your campaign. Set the number of times your brand is displayed to your target demographic, and how many times each individual views it per day, week, or month. Set daily, weekly or monthly limits, and change your campaign as needed on the fly.

Who's Viewing Your Campaign?

Our users register to participate in the service, so you'll know exactly who's receiving and viewing your campaign. Your campaign can be laser targeted to specific demographics including; age, gender, location, interests, and more...


Gender: 60% Female, 40% Male

Age: 30% 13-17, 35% 18-25, 25% 26-39, 10% 40+

Location: 40% Southwest, 25% West, 15% East, 10% Midwest, 10% Outside U.S.


BIT facilitates collaboration between brands and consumers. Receiving and viewing brands is completely optional for our users, therefore, when they opt in, they expect to see the campaign, it's not forced upon them. Additionally our users have input into what types of brands they would like to see. This creates synonymous relationships and helps build trust, and loyalty between brands and consumers.


Because of the unique and elegant way that our platform integrates brands, our CTR for our beta version (with no specific targeting) averaged approximately 4%. That's nearly double the CTR of other digital mediums. IMGR v2.0 will be laser targeted to registered users demographics, and interests. We anticipate our CTR to increase to 6-7%.


Our CPM model is a highly cost effective solution to drive traffic, build brand awareness, and increase sales. You can specify how many times specific users see your campaign per day, per week, or per month.


Our client platform provides valuable real-time analytics. You'll know how many times your campaign went out, when, and how much activity was created. You can modify your campaign as needed on the fly.

Add BIT to your digital strategy and watch your sales and brand recognition soar!! Contact us for more information.