Mobile (IM) Companies
Usage: Increasing
It's estimated that 75% of all mobile messaging traffic now goes through IM apps.
Competition: Increasing
Mobile messaging has fast become the most popular form of communication used today, and it's massive appeal and potential has created steep competition.
Revenue: Flat
IM companies account for only 2% of the total messaging revenue.
Brand Integration Technology™ presents IM companies with an immediate, and significant revenue stream.
Cellular Carriers
Usage: Decreasing
Text messaging is rapidly being outpaced by IM usage. An industry that once dominated messaging now only carries approximate 25% of the overall traffic, and it continues to decline.
Competition: Increasing
Revenue: Decreasing.
While carriers still earn the lions share of messaging revenue, the numbers continue to decrease each year. In 2016 the move to IM Apps cost the carriers over $50 Billion in lost texting revenues.
By offering user a compelling reason to use their messaging platform Brand Integration Technology™ can help stop user attrition, while additionally providing carriers with a significant revenue stream.
Brands / Marketing Companies / Ad Agencies
It's no secret that mobile messaging is one of the premier places to connect with consumers. But until now, the options have been limited. Brand Integration Technology presents a highly effective new solution. Learn more...